Welcome to Spill Response Consultancy
Minimizing the impact, Maximizing the recovery
Proactive planning, Effective response
Our Services
With years of experience in the industry, our team of highly skilled professionals is dedicated to providing practical and effective solutions to help you mitigate the risks and minimize the impact of oil spills, through proactive planning, training, and response techniques.
We understand the unique challenges and risks associated with spill from Oil and Hazardous & Noxious Substances and the importance of responding quickly and effectively to oil spills, which is why we prioritize emergency response readiness in our services. We work closely with our clients to develop comprehensive plans and strategies to minimize the potential environmental impact of oil spills and protect the reputation of our clients.
Spill Prevention Planning
Proactive Planning
Developing and implementing spill prevention plans, including risk assessment, contingency plans and environmental impact assessment.
Training & Exercises
Protection & Prevention
In cooperation with Green Bow Maritime Ltd, we provide training courses accredited by the International Maritime Organization IMO, through The Nautical Institute, UK on OSR, HazMat & Hazwoper, ESG, Crisis Management, Health & Safety and Media Handling.
Regulatory Compliance
Legal & Finance
Ensuring compliance with local, state, and international regulations related to oil spill response and cleanup, including cost justification, spill reporting requirements and cleanup standards.
On-site Response Coordination
Technical & Financial Support
Providing technical expertise and support to oil spill response teams during spill events, including advice on cleanup techniques, methods and good industry practices, equipment & materials deployment, cost control, coordination with local response teams and government agencies, and monitoring the effectiveness of response efforts.
Monitoring & Surveillance
Assessment Tool
Conducting monitoring and surveillance activities to assess the extent of oil spills and their impacts on the environment and wildlife, track and predict its movement, and monitor the effectiveness of response measures. This includes aerial surveillance, remote sensing, in-situ & underwater monitoring and water analysis.
Post-spill Analysis
Post-spill Assessment & Restoration
Identifying areas for improvement, evaluating the effectiveness of response efforts and providing recommendations for restoration and recovery of affected areas.
Public relations
Managing communications with stakeholders, including the media, affected communities, and regulatory agencies, to ensure that accurate and timely information is provided during spill events.
Mapping out the Future
Remote sensing: IR video and photography, Thermal IR imaging, Laser Fluorosensors, Airborne and Space-borne optical sensors, SAR, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle;
Trajectory modeling: Trajectory and fate modeling of the released oil, potential impact surface, arrival time and severity of oiling, mass of oil impacting the shore, oil weathering and mass balance;
Environmental Sensitivity Mapping: Development of strategic & operational maps & database with the use of Geographic Information System GIS;
Oil Spill Cost Estimation Model: Implementation of EPA BOSCEM;
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